The Valkirja Helicopter 3D Model


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The Valkirja Helicopter 3D Puzzle by Viter Models is an advanced and high-quality mechanical model for self-assembly. This replica of the Bell UH-1 “Huey” helicopter, a famous aircraft from the Vietnam War era, features a wide range of functional units and realistic design details, making it a great choice for fans of military aviation and model building.

Assembly of the Valkirja model is optimized for ease of use and does not require glue. The kit includes a helipad that is operated by a spring drive to simulate helicopter takeoff.

The model includes various realistic functionalities, such asrotating main and tail rotors, a working turbine engine, a functional cargo compartment door, and steering wheels to change the angle of pitch. Additionally, the helicopter has a functional pad that simulates a real-world helicopter take off.


  1. Glue-free assembly
  2. Helipad in kit that simulates helicopter takeoff (operated by a spring)
  3. 421 parts
    1. Scale 1:32
    2. Models dimensions 358×55×100 мм
    3. Package dimensions: 250×140×30 мм
    4. Difficulty level: advanced
    5. Assembly time: 9 hours
    6. Functionality:


    • Openable cabin and cargo compartment door
    • Rotating main and tail rotors
    • Functional steering wheels to change the angle of pitch
    • Working turbine engine visible through an openable cover
    • Functional pad that simulates a helicopter take off
    • Blades rotation and helicopter takeoff are simulated with a metal spring
    • Movable pads that simulate a helicopter takeoff (operated by a spring)

    The Valkirja Helicopter 3D Model is a great way to spend your evenings and experience the spirit of aviation and challenges with this mechanical model of helicopter. Bring the legend of 20th century aviation to your table with the Valkirja by Viter Models